Food Well Alliance is currently accepting letters of interest from local organizations that are passionate about supporting Atlanta’s community and educational gardens.

Through our 2016 Collaborative Design Initiative, we are investing up to $100,000 in leadership development and training for community garden leaders in an effort to sustain gardens in urban neighborhoods. 

Food Well Alliance will convene local organizations across Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett counties to harness the community’s expertise, creativity and commitment to collectively expand access to educational resources and tools. 

Our city's 360+ community and educational gardens offer an invaluable service to our neighborhoods. They build lasting connections among neighbors, designate areas for environmental conservation, and increase access to fresh, healthy produce.

Interested in being a part of the design team? Review the framework including the 2016 Collaborative Design Initiative's activities and outputs, and our frequently asked questions. Then, click the button below to submit your letter of interest in our online system. The deadline to submit is February 23, 2016 at 11:59pm.


Community Vitality

Increase capacity for community garden leaders that support urban neighborhoods

More equipped garden leaders will increase their garden membership, produce more food, and bring more safety, ecology and vitality to Atlanta’s neighborhoods. Food Well Alliance seeks to invest in organizations that support the organizational, business and educational advancement of community garden leaders.


Guidelines to Apply

What your organization can expect:

  • Facilitated support for planning the initiative
  • A measurable impact on your constituents and peer groups
  • Recognition as a collaborative design leader
  • A 40-hour commitment to design the initiative over 8 weeks; starting in April 2016
  • Collaborative design and implementation plan will be submitted to Food Well Alliance for funding

What Food Well Alliance requests of design team members:

  • Directly support education and development for community and educational gardens affiliated with organizations active in the local food movement, or within the local food system.
  • Commit to collaborate with a group of leaders to design and implement the initiative
  • Join Food Well Alliance as an ambassador for the local food movement
  • Consent to publication of all materials and images related to the design process

Additional details about the initiative:

  • Food Well Alliance will determine eligibility of organizations to participate in the initiative
  • All data and work product created during the design process will remain the sole intellectual property of Food Well Alliance and will be shared with the community at large to advance the mission of community and educational gardens