Photo by Caleb Jones at the Wylde Center in Atlanta
Plant A Row started in Anchorage, Alaska, when garden columnist Jeff Lowenfels asked readers to plant an extra row of vegetables to donate to the local soup kitchen. Gardeners took up the challenge, and garden-fresh vegetables piled into the kitchen. The program went national in 1995, as gardeners across the country promoted planting extra crops for donation. Since then, gardeners have donated more than 2 million pounds of produce to food banks, soup kitchens, and related charities across the U.S. as part of the program.
In metro Atlanta, Plant A Row began in 1997. In the first year, 600 pounds of fresh produce were donated.
In 2024, 105,888 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables were donated by gardens and orchards in metro Atlanta!
Would you like to donate produce to people in need? There are three steps to participating.
Grow food! Whether you have a community garden plot, or just a few tomato plants, every pound helps.
When your food is all grown up, take whatever you don't need and donate it to one of these food pantries.
Once you’ve dropped off your donation, record how much produce you donated here so we can keep track!
Other Options:
You may also call 211 to reach United Way, who can help you find a pantry nearby. Just be sure to ask whether they are accepting fresh produce.
Once you’ve made your donation, fill out our form below or email so we can track your donations. Every pound counts!
If you’d like to get involved with the Plant A Row campaign but aren’t sure where to start, email and we’ll be in touch to help.