Please join us for a round-table discussion among innovators, urban agriculturalists, energy experts, and sustainability professionals addressing opportunities and difficulties of using solar energy in urban farming.
The topic focuses on the intersection of innovative solutions, solar power, and urban agriculture. We’ll discuss the tensions and difficulties that exist (and are required) when trying to innovate in the urban farming arena. The target audience includes those interested in the subject of urban farming and innovations in urban solutions, solar power enthusiasts, and sustainability/go-local advocates.
Bernie Burgener
Executive Director, Greenhouse Accelerator
Brent Hall
Owner, Freewheel Farms
James Marlow
President & Co-Founder, Rediance Solar
Melissa Mattee
Fulton County Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, University of Georgia Extension
Jim McCutcheon
CEO, HighGrove Partners and Copiana
Todd Eittreim
Farm Operations Manager, Global Growers
TAG Members $15
Non-Members $35
Parking is available across the street or behind Manuel’s Tavern. Ride-share or carpool is encouraged, as the restaurant will be operating normally in addition to the event.