Join the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, and RecyclingWorks Massachusetts for an action-oriented conference.
This two-day event will convene entrepreneurs, practitioners, policymakers, and enthusiasts to further a public dialogue on reaching EPA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s national food waste reduction goal of 50% by 2030.
The conference will focus on the top two tiers of EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy, which prioritizes actions people can take to reduce and recover wasted food: “source reduction” and “feed hungry people.” Speakers will highlight innovative solutions from New England and across the nation to reduce wasted food and recover edible food for people.
Conference topics will include:
- Food Recovery Entrepreneurs and Innovation
- Donation Opportunities by Sector: Farm, Retail, and Institutions
- Consumer Awareness and Education
- Federal, State and Local Regulations and Policies
- Strategies to Measure Waste