White Oak Pastures are excited to invite you to South Georgia, December 11-12 to be a part of a two-day event featuring the renowned, Allan Savory.
Allan, said to be one of the greatest thinkers of our time, has spent decades researching Regenerative Agriculture and using livestock to rebuild healthy soils.
We at White Oak Pastures fully embrace Allan Savory’s techniques and practices, and we look forward to our journey in sequestering more carbon in our soil.
If fact, White Oak Pastures is one of the Savory Institute’s newest hubs:http://savory.global/network.
Globally, there are only 29 Savory Hubs. As a Hub, you can expect White Oak Pastures to host future in-depth trainings and classes on holistic farm management.
Join us at Andrew College and White Oak Pastures, to better understand Why Sustainability Isn’t Enough.
See Allan’s TED Talk: