Stone Mountain Community Garden

Columbus Brown, Master Gardener

Stone Mountain, DeKalb County

Stone Mountain Community Garden is among more than 120 community gardens and 35 urban farms that receive resources and support from Food Well Alliance. In addition to challenges brought on by COVID this year, the garden has been tackling a new threat: more deer have been visiting at night and eating large volumes of their best crops, many of which were designated for Stone Mountain Ecumenical Cooperative Food Pantry.

Master Gardener Columbus Brown says it was important to address the problem head on because the pantry counts on the garden for regular donations of fresh produce. The solution? “Mammal excluders” built with funds from Food Well Alliance’s Community Garden Grant. “Thus far in 2021, we’ve harvested almost 800 pounds for the pantry, impacting 200 families. This brings our all-time donations to 12,700 pounds benefiting 3,200 families. With the mammal excluder devices, we expect to exceed our annual totals next year.”