COVID19 Response Update: 5/21/2020
/Photo taken by Caleb Jones at Truly Living Well Collegetown Farm.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Food Well Alliance has cancelled all events and convenings until June 1, 2020. During this time we are focusing our attention on allocating critical resources to our farm and garden partners and creating virtual experiences for metro Atlanta residents who want to remain engaged in the local food community. This blog will be updated with new resources and developments on Thursdays.
Community Gardens
Thanks to the efforts of Khari Diop and Charles Greanlea, we've completed nearly every labor request for more than 30 community gardens across metro Atlanta. Our next focus? How to safely bring back volunteer workdays. After some test runs at our donation garden, Tapestry, we hope to resume volunteer activities on a limited basis. Staff Community Gardens team, Fred and Flannery, will continue to provide mechanical and technical support at gardens. Be sure to catch their expert advice Monday mornings on Instagram Live "Monday Morning Gardener" - next episode June 1! Catch past shows here.
11 Community Gardens received bulk compost this week, and 4 urban farms will each receive 30 cubic yards of compost this week from CompostNow. We've also ordered topsoil to be delivered to Metro Atlanta Urban Farm for another round of bucket gardens for East Point.
Farmer Fund
Applications for the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Farmer Fund were reviewed this weekend by Georgia Organics, Food Well Alliance, Community Farmers Markets, and other partners. Decisions are expected to be made before the end of the month.
School Gardens
Project Giving Gardens - a partner effort with Captain Planet Foundation made possible with funding from Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation - is bringing school gardens back to life at 37 APS, DeKalb County and South Fulton schools. Planting could begin as early as next week!